Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria
Unitarian Universalist Church of Cambria

786 Arlington St. - Cambria, CA 93428 - 805-395-4055
Sunday Service at 10:00am
Board Meeting
UUCC Board of Trustees Meeting – February 15, 2021
UUCC Mission Statement - We strive to build community through love, support spiritual growth, and promote social and environmental justice.
Opening Words ( ) and Chalice Lighting
How are you feeling and why?
“I put my virtual hand in yours, so that we may do together what I cannot do alone.”
Meet and Greet
Melissa James, UUA Pacific West Region, Congregational Life Field Staff
Secretary's Report (Lou)
Minutes from January meeting
Treasurer's Report (Susan)
Treasurer reports December (Amended)
Treasurer reports January - Zoomification and Building Fund status
Approval of Proposed 2021 Budget
Old Business
WISE Council update (Andy)
Brief update on Operations and Procedures Manual revision process (Susan)
Update on Congregational Life Committee
New Business
the cambriaca sponsoriong “Arlington Live” - proposal for facilities use - music (Andy)
Anonymous donation towards new Audio Mixer
Mary Anne and Ames kickoff/fundraiser
UUCC Sanctuary Re-Entry Initiative (Randy)
UUCC Virtual Art Show (Andy)
Plans for next BOT meeting (All)
Opening Words for next meeting?
How was the meeting?
Did we accomplish our tasks?
Did you feel heard and valued?