Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria
Unitarian Universalist Church of Cambria
786 Arlington St. - Cambria, CA 93428 - 805-395-4055
Sunday Service at 10:00am
Unitarian Universalist Community of Cambria
PO Box 64, Cambria, CA 93426, 786 Arlington St., Cambria CA 93428
Board of Trustees Meeting
Date: May 17, 2021, 5:00 PM
In attendance: (Zoom meeting online): Treva Boyce, President; Andy Feigin, Vice President; Susan Landau, Treasurer; Lou Pitelka, Secretary; Kris Fox, Member at Large; Mary Schwalbe, Member at Large, Robert Wilkinson, Member at Large
Absent: none
Guests: Randy Schwalbe
Opening Words and Chalice Lighting: Susan gave the opening words.
Check-in: Waves and greetings were exchanged.
Meeting Times: A final decision was never made concerning what we should do if we can’t complete the agenda by 6:30 PM. Two options are to allow the meeting to go later, or to schedule an extra Board meeting. The option of postponing items to the next meeting often results in us not completing the agenda for that next meeting. It was agreed that, if during the meeting periodic reminders are provided of the time remaining, it might make finishing on time more achievable. At future meetings the President will remind us at half hour increments how much time remains before 6:30. When fifteen minutes remain before 6:30, we will determine whether any remaining items require immediate attention. Ideally, the need to schedule an extra meeting would happen only rarely.
Secretary’s report (Lou):
Board of Trustees Meeting minutes of 04/19/2021 – Lou previously had distributed the minutes by email. Susan moved to approve the minutes. Mary seconded. The motion passed unanimously. MSP
Treasurer’s report (Susan):
Treasurer’s report April, balance sheet and budget vs. actual – Susan provided a summary of the reports and said that there was nothing unusual needed to be discussed moved to approve. Robert had one question, and Susan said that she would have to look into it. Lou motioned to approve the reports. Andy seconded. However, it was agreed that Susan needs to provide answers to the questions before the reports can be approved.
Old Business:
Facilities Use Agreement, including the Facilities Use Application and the Facilities Use Agreement (Randy) – Randy provided the latest versions of the two documents and noted a few changes. A variety of questions were raised concerning in particular how decisions are made concerning whether a requested activity meets the minimum requirements. Challenges of a denial go to the Board of Trustees. There was discussion about the alcohol policy. It was agreed that at any event where alcohol is served, someone needs to be designated as the pourer of the alcohol to ensure the minors are not served or individuals aren’t consuming too much. Another concern was raised about whether an insurance rider is needed for all indirect events. Randy will contact our insurance agent to clarify when a rider is required. The item was tabled until the next meeting.
Wise Council (Andy) – Andy said that Melissa James and Jan Meslin had agreed to serve. He asked how we should activate it. Andy will write to Melissa and Jan to thank them for agreeing to serve. We will contact them when there is a need. They would be contacted by the Covenant Committee when an issue arises that the Committee cannot resolve.
GA Delegate update (Andy) – Andy noted that he is a delegate and asked if anyone else would like to be a delegate. Robert expressed an interest and will submit an application.
New Business:
Email for @uuccambria.org? (Susan) – Susan found out that it would cost us a substantial amount to have such an email address. Robert asked about whether a uuccambria.org email address would provide more privacy. Susan will do more research and report back in June.
Next Meeting:
Plans for next BOT meeting on June 21, at 5:00 PM. Mary will give the opening words
How was the meeting?
Did we accomplish our tasks?
Did you feel heard and valued?
Virtual hugs were exchanged
Meeting adjourned: 6:33PM
Respectfully submitted,
Lou Pitelka, Secretary